Atlas Title Company is focused on saving California consumers money when refinancing, selling, or buying
a home. Although title and escrow fees are a significant percentage of closing related costs, loan officers
and Realtors rarely select title and escrow providers based on the cost of these services. Atlas savings is
based on the issuance of Atlas National Title Insurance Company policies in California. Savings
calculations are based on comparison between industry average title premium and escrow fees and
Atlas’s filed rates. Atlas Saves!
Atlas Title Company is focused on saving California consumers money when refinancing, selling, or buying
a home. Although title and escrow fees are a significant percentage of closing related costs, loan officers
and Realtors rarely select title and escrow providers based on the cost of these services. Atlas savings is
based on the issuance of Atlas National Title Insurance Company policies in California. Savings
calculations are based on comparison between industry average title premium and escrow fees and
Atlas’s filed rates. Atlas Saves!
Atlas $aves
As of August 31.2024
Atlas Title Company is focused on saving California consumers money when refinancing, selling, or buying
a home. Although title and escrow fees are a significant percentage of closing related costs, loan officers
and Realtors rarely select title and escrow providers based on the cost of these services. Atlas savings is
based on the issuance of Atlas National Title Insurance Company policies in California. Savings
calculations are based on comparison between industry average title premium and escrow fees and
Atlas’s filed rates. Atlas Saves!